Sharing the Love of God
By giving to this category, you will help GFA workers tell people about Jesus!
Donate to Sharing the Love of God
Our “Sharing The Love Of God” giving category is giving people a chance to encounter God for the first time. There are still 3 billion people on the planet today (that’s 3 in every 8 people) who have never heard of Jesus, never touched a God’s Word, and never walked past a church. Today was the last day for 80,000 of them, who lived their entire lives without ever knowing that God loves them. We believe that no one should go without the chance to hear about the love of God.
What does it mean to Share the Love of God?
This giving category is giving people a chance to encounter Christ through things like Film Ministry – showing the story of Jesus’ love to entire villages at a time, Radio Ministry – reaching people who be reached on foot, Church Buildings – beacons of light and sanctuaries for worship, and National Missionaries – giving up everything they had for the sake of being the hands and feet of Jesus.
While many of our other giving categories aim to express the love of God in tangible ways like breaking the cycle of poverty or helping widows and children find a better life, in some respects these are all preparing the way for Sharing the Love of God, which is all about sharing God’s real-life love with those who have never heard it before.
Sign up to pray for Sharing the Love of God!
Changing Lives Eternally
We have the opportunity to change lives not only here and now, but eternally in Asia. Did you know that around 80,000 people die every day in the 10/40 Window? Some of their lives may end without ever hearing about the love of God. We can make a choice today that will forever change the fate of those who have yet to hear.
What would Sharing the Love of God look like?
Your gift could go towards things like:
- LCD digital projectors for sharing a film on the life of Jesus
- Equipped mobile teams of missionaries
- Musical instruments for worship
- Slum ministry
- Leprosy ministry
- Persecution relief
- Bicycles for helping missionaries take the love of Jesus farther, faster
It only takes as little as £10 to have a huge impact in bringing hope that can only be found in Christ to those who need it.
If you’d like to join us in prayer for these things, request a prayer booklet today and you can pray right alongside us, wherever you are!
Help us transform communities around the world through God’s love

How do you show a movie about Jesus in a rural village that doesn’t have electricity? You bring your own!
Many GFA supported missionaries spend many arduous hours walking from one village to another.
Motorcycles can carry two national missionaries at a time!
Gospel Literature
Help a national missionary share the story of our Saviour with Gospel literature to pass out in his village.
Holy Scriptures
A chance to read the Bible on their own is a gift that every national missionary wants to give the people they minister among.
Bible Colleges
Transforming communities with Christ’s love is the vision God has given to GFA World.
Battery Powered Radio
Men and women in Asia can hear hundreds of programs over GFA Radio.
Radio Broadcasts
Broadcasting provides the opportunity for communities to learn about the love of Christ through radio programming, social media platforms and other key internet communication channels.
Church Building
A church building is one of the most powerful tools for the growth of a congregation.News
Trek Through Mud Brings About Renewal
Pastor Dalajit sighed at the long list of sick families to pray for. Dysentery, typhoid, malaria and other maladies plagued many of the families in the village where the GFA-supported pastor served the Lord.