because nobody should die without knowing the love of Christ


One-third of the world’s communities are still waiting to experience Christ’s love for the first time. The majority of them live and die in Africa and Asia.

We believe in lifting up the broken, serving the weary, and giving hope to a diverse world – we do all of this through our national missionaries who are sharing the Gospel and serving anyone in need in 18 countries.
Partner with us to change the world!

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Get the controversial “Revolution in World Missions” delivered to your e-mail inbox, one day at a time. This compelling story has all of us reconsidering our purpose in life, and realising the impact just one person can make on a world still to discover Jesus’ love.

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Daily Revolution

Watch how we’re transforming communities around the world


national missionaries sent out


countries loved and served


received clean drinking water


Jesus wells each year


children sponsored


families taught proper sanitation

Who We Are

Our mission in life is to be devout followers of Christ and to live lives fully pleasing to Him. Therefore, since 1979, we have been committed to serving the “least of these” in Asia and Africa, often in places where no one else is serving, so they can experience the love of God for the first time.

What does this mean for us? We have an extraordinary challenge in front of us to collaborate with indigenous missionaries around the world and make an impact now and for generations to come.

Since our worldwide inception in 1979 we’ve been honoured to be able to help so many people and communities! 

YOU could change a life.

We believe in sustainably supporting those in need: by raising up national missionaries through long term missions, creating spaces for people to experience God within their own culture, and to help anyone in need with our education programmes, health initiatives, practical gifts, and through spiritual transformation that brings life-changing peace, restored relationships, and repaired lives.

You could change a life today by gifting something as simple as a bicycle!


Give a gift!

“For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach unless they are sent?

—Romans 10:13-15

Giving Categories

National Missionaries

By giving to our National Missionary category, you will help equip our workers to be the hands and feet of God.

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Child Sponsorship

By giving to our Child Sponsorship category, you will help to change the life of a child and their community forever.

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Sharing the Love of God

By giving to Sharing the Love of God, you will help GFA workers tell people about Jesus!

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Uplifting Marginalised Women

By giving to our Uplifting Marginalised Women category, you will help change the lives of women in difficult or unsafe situations.

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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

By giving to our Breaking the Cycle of Poverty category, you will help provide families with gifts that will help change their future.

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Helping Children at Risk

By giving to our Helping Children at Risk category, you will help give children safety, love, and the good news.

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Clean Water

By giving to our Clean Water category, you will help GFA’s clean water ministry that delivers safe, disease-free water to families in Asia and Africa.

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Health + Healing

Too poor to afford things like vitamins, fruits and vegetables—or routine doctor visits—families in poverty are left vulnerable against simple diseases, which can eventually threaten lives.

Health + Healing
“Really glad to support an organisation who does so much to help those who most need it in this world.”

Joshua, February 2024

“I am so delighted to recommend GFA who I came across many years ago whilst seeking help for a Kazakh friend. The support was so kind, practical, spiritual, loving.”

Maggie, December 2023

“Having learned about GFA through reading KP Yohannan’s book, I immediately realised this was something I had to be involved with.”

Alan, December 2023

“A wonderful organisation which is doing its part to fulfil the great commission with love and care for those in need.”

Mel, November 2023

“I wholeheartedly support GFA, and its vision for wealthier Christians in the West to support indigenous missionaries in Asia and Africa. The UK GFA staff are amazing and really value GFA supporters. I was so touched when I contacted them and they asked what I would like prayer for. I need to access their website more often as it is very helpful, and inspires me to pray for the GFA supported evangelists and compassion teams.”

Chris, October 2023

“I have been supporting the amazing mission work GFA do for a number of years. It is very trustworthy and I believe God inspired. Fantastic organisation.”

Roz, October 2023

“GFA is a great organisation which reaches out to the poor and needy in Asia and Africa with practical help as well as telling them about the treasure of knowing Jesus.”

Esther, February 2024

“GFA are a genuine Christian group working in and for Asian countries and people. They help in many different ways – providing churches, food, missionaries, gospel literature, animals for poor people, amongst other things. They are a wonderful organisation.”

Jennifer, February 2024

“Wonderful warm, friendly, caring, dedicated, hard-working staff, serving in a life-changing ministry.”

Tinram, February 2024

“GFA The indigenous pastors and workers do a great job bringing the gospel and finding those in need and providing appropriate support.”

Barbara, September 2023

“GFA World are a genuinely caring trustworthy charity who seek God’s will in all they do.”

Christine, August 2023

“A biblically faithful ministry that shares the love of Christ and the light of the Gospel in practical and essential ways. I am glad to be able to collaborate with this work.”

Cynthia, July 2023

“Great team doing great work.”

David, July 2023

“Compassionate God-honouring ministry, helping thousands of needy people, sharing God’s love and the Good News.”

Gita, August 2023

“GFA is an exceptionally fine and trustworthy Christian organisation that encourages believers to enter into a partnership arrangement that has a missionary basis for all its activities.”

GlynR, July 2023

“A trustworthy organisation which makes a tremendous difference in poor countries. Well worth supporting. I have supported them for about 15 years and always been very impressed with their godliness and effectiveness.”

Grace, July 2023

“Praise God for the work of GFA”

Harry, August 2023

“I’ve been supporting GFA World for a number of years and really love the vital work they do. I get regular updates, which are always really positive, encouraging and inspiring. Email communication is personal and engaging and I feel really appreciated as a supporter. It’s wonderful to know that some of the most destitute lives are being impacted and transformed by a work that I have the privilege of contributing to.”

Millie, October, 2023

“I have supported the good work of this ministry for over 15 years and always encouraged at the amazing ways God is working powerfully through this ministry.”

Mohan, July 2023

“GFA do a wonderful work in a humble and non judgemental way amongst some of the neediest people groups in the world. Thank you for spreading the good news with such practical demonstrations of God’s love in action.”

Peter, July 2023

“GFA World is doing wonderful practical work as well as sharing the Gospel in imaginative ways in many of the poorest and most remote places in the world. I have willingly supported their work for many years and appreciate their keeping in touch regularly with their supporters also.”

Susan, August 2023

“GFA has been a joy and pleasure to be involved with. A sound, balanced Christ centered mission focused ministry is invaluable in the world. I am always so encouraged by the regular reports of ministry accomplishments. I’ve found them to be faithful and consistently Christ honouring.”

Vincent, September 2023

Featured Stories


September 2024

Refusing to Throw in the Towel

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National Missionaries

Bibles and Literature

Compassion Services

Bibles and Literature

April 2024

Escaping a World of Ignorance

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Clean Water

National Missionaries

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Compassion Services