Conti’s Goat

Watch how your gifts towards animals have a real impact in the mission field.

This short video clearly demonstrates how donations to this category completely turn lives around.

Goat Shatters Mother’s Cycle of Poverty

Raina sat counting the money sent from her husband, Ander. Like his last paycheck, it wasn’t much, perhaps barely enough to cover their expenses for that month. She looked up from the meagre earnings and out to her field. Perhaps if she imagined hard enough, the field would be full of growing crops to sell. But, try as she might, Raina’s imagination alone wouldn’t bring in the money she desperately needed.

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Conti's Goat

A Kid to Feed a Widow’s Kids

Myla could hardly believe it—her beloved husband, Robi, was gone. A sudden heart attack had taken his life, and with it, her security. Her two young children had lost their father, and the weight of their care now rested solely on her shoulders.

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Conti's Goat

Donate to Animals

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September 2024

Refusing to Throw in the Towel

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National Missionaries

Bibles and Literature

Compassion Services

Bibles and Literature

April 2024

Escaping a World of Ignorance

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