Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

You can help provide communities and families with gifts that will help change their future!

Donate to Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

How often?

Every year, we distribute thousands of life-changing gifts to families in need as our National Missionaries journey from village to village. Income-generating gifts such as sewing machines and fishing nets can change a family’s life by breaking the cycle of poverty and giving their children a better future! Each gift is given in Jesus’ name, along with His love and compassion – this can have a huge impact on people’s lives.

What is the cycle of poverty?

So many people live in extreme poverty all of their lives and don’t have access to the provision they need to have a good quality of life for themselves or their children and so the cycle continues! Practical gifts like warm blankets and mosquito nets meet real life needs and help change the daily discomfort that so many have to struggle with.

You can be a part of making a difference today by donating towards breaking the cycle of poverty. Your gift could go towards:

Changing Lives Eternally

With national missionary sponsorship, we have the opportunity to change lives not only here and now, but eternally in Asia and Africa. Did you know that around 80,000 people die every day in the 10/40 Window? Some of their lives may end without ever hearing about the love of God. We can make a choice today that will forever change the fate of those who have yet to hear.

How can you help break the cycle of poverty?

Every year, we distribute thousands of life-saving gifts to families in need as our National Missionaries journey from village to village. Income-generating gifts such as sewing machines and fish nets can change a families life by breaking the cycles of poverty and giving their children a better future! 

Giving to this category, instead of an individual fund like Sewing Machines, means that National Missionaries have the freedom to use your donation on whatever will have the greatest impact! 

It takes as little as £10 to have a huge impact in breaking the cycle of poverty and bringing the kind of relief that Jesus brings through His love and provision.

We are able to do something because of (the church). With this gift, we both, husband and wife, are going to work hard. Now we are assured and have hope that we will be able to (provide for) our family in a far better way in the days to come.

Balen and Belissa, who were given two sewing machines by their local National Missionary after he heard about their financial struggle

There’s a common problem in GFA pastor Kagan’s area, one he is all too familiar with. Born and raised in the region where he now serves, Pastor Kagan knows the effects of malaria from personal experience, and he sees many others suffer from it, too. Whenever it appears, it often brings debilitation and anguish—and sometimes death.

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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

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On those blustery winter nights during the winter season, who doesn’t like to curl up under a warm, soft blanket?
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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

We don’t want to just help people now, we want to ensure they have the means to continue lifting themselves out of poverty for generations to come.
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Your gift towards chickens can help supplement a family’s income and often helps a family get on its feet financially.
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Cows and the milk they produce help families grow stronger, healthier and more financially secure.
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Fishing Nets

Millions of Asians rely on fishing to feed their families. In coastal areas, they can cast their nets upon the waters everyday and sell the fish to the local markets.
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Your gift towards goats can rapidly improve a family’s financial situation.
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Kerosene Lantern

Light the way for a missionary walking at night through remote villages without electricity.
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A sheep’s rich milk is an excellent source of calcium—an essential nutrient for young children
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LED Solar Light System

In areas where there is no electricity—such as low-caste or Dalit villages—good lighting at night is unobtainable for many.
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Mosquito Nets

These nets offer protection from the sting of an infected mosquito and help to give their owner a restful nights sleep.
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These portly critters bring powerful financial breakthroughs to needy families.
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Pull Cart

Carts piled high with fruit, vegetables, clothing or handcrafted items are a common site in South Asian cities.


Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

December 2024

Going the Distance

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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

November 2022

Seeking Warmth Among Rags

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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty