Radio Broadcasts

By giving to our Radio Broadcasts category, you will help to reach the most unreached places with a message of hope through the simple radio broadcast.

Donate to Radio Overseas

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How do Radio Broadcasts change lives?

Since 1986, God has used GFA-supported radio programmes to bring His message of love to people across Asia. Radio broadcasts can cross treacherous terrain to share with people who are hungering for a love greater than the world can offer. Walls cannot keep this faithful messenger away, so hope-filled programmes can be heard within prisons, hospitals and even brothels.

“Through the GFA-supported radio program, I could know the true God. By His grace I am changed”Maitra. 

Changing lives eternally

We have the opportunity to change lives not only here and now, but eternally in Asia. Did you know that around 80,000 people die every day in the 10/40 Window? Some of their lives may end without ever hearing about the love of God. We can make a choice today that will forever change the fate of those who have yet to hear.

How radio reaches the unreached

Our National Missionaries and pastors would love to spend hours with every person who wants to learn more about Jesus. They long to reach communities where they know people are desperate for hope and love of the kind Jesus brings. When they can’t go, the radio can!  

Via the radio, hope-filled programmes can be heard within prisons, hospitals and even brothels. By giving to our radio broadcasting category, you will help to reach the most unreached places with a message of hope.  

It takes as little as £5 to have a huge impact in giving towards Radio Broadcasts so many can hear about the love of God and know what Jesus has done for them.


Radio Broadcasts

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Sharing the Love of God

Sharing the Love of God

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Escaping a World of Ignorance

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Sharing the Love of God

National Missionaries

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Sharing the Love of God

October 2016

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Sharing the Love of God

Sharing the Love of God