From Illiteracy to Inspiration: Gnana’s Incredible Journey

Gnana cried and cried as she watched her brothers disappear down the dusty road each morning, their laughter fading as they made their way to school. She clutched the edge of her worn dress, her eyes pleading with her father.

“It is useless to send a girl to school,” he said dismissively, his voice firm, his back already turned.

No matter how much she cried and begged, there was nothing she could do. While her brothers learned to read and write, she and her sister were left behind, their days filled with endless chores—kneading dough, scrubbing pots, carrying water from the well under the hot sun.

To her father, daughters were not worth educating. Like so many girls before her, she was born into a world where women are deemed worthless and burdens to be married off as soon as possible. At just 14 years old, Gnana’s parents arranged her marriage, giving her into the care of a husband she barely knew. The wedding was a blur of bright fabrics, fear, and hushed whispers. Soon after she was married, she found herself in an unfamiliar home, learning to navigate her new role as a young wife. In two short years, she became a mother of two and the weight of responsibility sat heavily on her young shoulders.

Sleepless nights rocking a crying baby, long days preparing meals over an open fire, the exhaustion of a life that offered no choice. But even in the middle of her struggles, a quiet ember of joy burned brightly in Gnana’s heart. As a follower of Jesus, she prayed day after day for her husband, who followed more traditional beliefs. She prayed desperate prayers in the quiet of the night, and in time, her faith bore miraculous fruit. By the time their second child was born, her husband, in-laws, and even her brother-in-law had begun attending worship services with her!

Determined to give her children the opportunities she never had, Gnana and her husband agreed that both their son and daughter should receive an education. Each morning, she watched them leave for school, their books held tightly in their small hands. She was so proud of them, but deep down, an ache remained—she dreamed to read and write herself.

“I wanted to read and write,” she said. “To feel the joy of learning for myself.”

When the Women’s Fellowship at her local church started a literacy class, Gnana’s heart leapt with excitement – this could be her chance! Balancing her responsibilities while attending class was unbelievably challenging—waking up before dawn to finish her chores, sneaking in moments to study by the glow of a lantern. But she made sacrifices, determined to fulfil the dream she had held for so many years. At home, she traced letters with trembling fingers, and when she was struggling, her children willingly came to her side, helping her with the same patience she always showed them.

“Even if I am busy, I make time for class,” she said, her determination unwavering. “My children were excited too. They teach me at home.”

With enormous persistence, Gnana’s efforts bore fruit. The first time she wrote her name, she stared at the letters in disbelief, hardly able to believe what she’d achieved. She could now write her husband’s name, their address—but more than anything, she was thrilled to be able to read the Bible on her own. She didn’t have to wait for someone to read it to her – she could experience the words of God firsthand, reading them as if they had been written just for her.

“I am very excited that I can read and write,” she shared, her eyes shining. “My dream has come true. I can read the Bible!”

Gnana’s story is just one of many—countless women around the world have been denied education and other rights, their potential overlooked simply because of their gender. But through GFA World, women like Gnana are discovering their worth, gaining skills, and stepping into a future filled with hope. Whether through literacy classes, vocational training, or support groups, GFA World is Uplifting Marginalised Women, equipping them to break free from the cycle of poverty and oppression. Each woman who learns to read, who discovers her value in Christ, and who finds the courage to pursue a different future is a testament to the power of God’s love at work. And for every woman like Gnana, there are still many more waiting for the chance to rewrite their story.

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Uplifting Marginalised Women


December 2022

A Kid to Feed a Widow’s Kids

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