Pray for Bibles and literature


Many believers in Asia and Africa want to share God’s life-giving Word with their families, neighbours and co-workers. Let us pray for believers to have a passion and boldness to share God’s Word and the hope of Christ. Let’s pray also for those who receive a piece of literature or Bible, that they will pass the message of hope on to family, friends and even strangers!


God’s Timing

Countless men and women around the world first hear about Jesus’ love by reading a piece of literature. Let’s pray God’s Spirit goes with each piece of literature, enabling them to be in just the right hands at just the right time.


God often uses literature, Bibles or New Testaments to start conversations between GFA workers and people who want to learn more about Jesus. Let’s pray many people will seek out local pastors or believers with questions about God. Join us in asking the Lord to fill His servants with the wisdom to answer questions with compassion and love.


There are still billions of people waiting to hear that Jesus loves them. We pray God’s Word is and will continue to be proclaimed to all the untouched corners of the world!

Pray for Other Areas of Ministry


April 2024

Escaping a World of Ignorance

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National Missionaries

October 2016

Unlocking the Door of Literacy

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October 2016

Not Able to Get a Bible

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