Pray for GFA World’s Clean Water Initiatives

Around 1.1 billion people in the world can’t get clean water.* This makes life much more difficult for them. Life can become a struggle to find the water we all need to live. People in poorer countries often have to use water that could be contaminated, and could easily make them ill. This affects many people in Asia and Africa, where GFA World serves. In these places, 80 percent of illnesses have links to dirty water and poor sanitation.**

We are so excited that over 38 million people have been helped to get clean water through GFA, and we want to do more! Your prayers will help to make that possible.

Pray for Smooth Installation 

Sometimes when our National Missionaries are ready to drill or install a Jesus Well in a community, things don’t always go as planned. An area is too rocky, the water table is too low, contractors are unwilling to tackle the job, or sudden opposition brings the entire project to a halt. Yet we know our God is the God who brings water out of rocks and we have seen Him do miracles again and again to get water to those who need it most.

Pray God will make a way for clean water to come to communities. Pray God will remove physical and spiritual obstacles standing in the way of people receiving the practical help a water project brings.

Pray for Provision

Here at GFA World, we work hard to keep our Jesus Well and water filter costs low. We use local resources and work with local people. And we’ve got our simple but effective structure for BioSand water filters down to a T! But of course, National Missionaries need money to cover the cost of wells and water filters.

Please pray that National Missionaries will have enough money to meet the clean water needs of the people they serve. Pray that God will provide generous partners here in the UK to help.

Pray for Clean Water to bring Healing

The lack of safe, available water wreaks havoc in the lives of families and communities. It affects finances, as families sacrifice a day’s pay to fetch water or give up hard-earned wages to pay medical bills brought on by waterborne illness. It affects futures as children, especially girls, neglect their studies to collect water for their families’ daily needs. It affects friendship, as water-starved neighbours fight over what little water is available. Not only that, but the very water people need to live too often causes sickness, suffering and even death as it’s drawn from open and contaminated sources. Having clean and accessible water brings the blessings and wholeness of Christ to families and communities, transforming what was once a source of desperation and brokenness into a source of life.

Please pray that, as precious people receive water filters and wells, God will “do a new thing” in these communities and “give drink to His people” (Isaiah 34:19-21). Pray that through the gift of water, people will thrive and be at peace, both in their day to day lives and as they look to the future.

Pray for Leaders to have Wisdom

Over a billion people don’t have clean water. Our National Missionaries are always coming across people who are struggling because they can’t get clean water. Often, whole villages suffer because of dangerous water, or not enough water. Water problems can make people short of money, as well as ill. Sometimes the best solution is a Jesus Well, and sometimes it’s BioSand water filters. Our National Missionaries need to know the best thing to do in each place.

Please pray that God will show our missionaries the best water solution for each situation. Pray that they will use their resources in the best way.

Pray for Longevity

We work hard to make sure that Jesus Wells and BioSand water filters last as long as possible. Usually, the local pastor and believers look after the Jesus Well to make sure it keeps working well. Some of the first Jesus Wells (which were drilled 20 years ago) are still providing clean water. They have also had a hugely positive impact on communities they were drilled in!

Please pray each Jesus Well and BioSand water filter will last a long time. Pray that many generations can enjoy clean water and many lives can be changed for now and for eternity.


Clean Water

March 2025

Hope for a Hidden Village

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Clean Water

Clean Water

Clean Water

Clean Water

(1)“Water Supply & Sanitation.” World Water Council. Accessed November 22, 2021.

(2)“10 Ways Access to Clean Water Can Improve the World.” Ohio University. March 2, 2021.