Pray for Impoverished People Who Need Empowering Gifts

Simple gifts change lives forever! Every year, GFA World distributes thousands of life-changing gifts to struggling families. Simple gifts like goats, chickens or sewing machines can change the future for a family! They can break the cycle of poverty and give children a better future. And gifts like warm blankets or mosquito nets meet practical needs and stop people getting ill. Every present is given in Jesus’ name, with His love and compassion… and they have a big impact! Some gifts, like bicycles, winter clothing or Holy Scriptures, help our missionaries minister to the people they serve. These gifts mean that our missionaries can do much more in the places God has called them to.

We get so many stories back of how these gifts have changed lives forever! But there are still many people who need gifts like these. Your prayers can make such a difference as you pray for people who need these gifts. And for changed lives through the many gifts that are given out!

Pray for the Christmas Catalogue

A simple catalogue has a huge impact! Every year, thousands of gifts come through GFA World’s Christmas Gift Catalogue… and these gifts go on to change lives in amazing ways! The catalogue helps share the opportunities there are to give gifts. And how much these gifts can help. We pray we can get catalogues into the hands of the right people, who will be generous in responding.

Please pray that many people will hear of GFA World’s Christmas campaign and will want to give.

Pray that church leaders and enthusiastic friends will share the catalogue. Pray that many more lives will be changed!

Pray for GFA Missionaries to be Properly Equipped

Our missionaries love to serve the people God has called them to. They share God’s love in various ways with people in need. But sometimes it’s tough if they don’t have everything they need. Missionaries can do so much more with the right resources. And some of the Christmas gifts will radically improve their ministries! For example, with a bicycle, a missionary can travel double the distance! With warm clothes, they can serve even in freezing weather.

Please pray that our missionaries will have the tools to serve most effectively.

Pray that God will raise up generous partners to help provide everything our missionaries need to thrive.

Pray for Leaders to Pair Gifts, Recipients Wisely

The opportunities are exciting! The needs in the areas where we serve are great. Many people in these poor communities would benefit from a life-changing gift. These gifts can generate income or help improve their lives in different ways. But not every family is the same. A sewing machine may be best for one family. A fishing net may be more appropriate for someone else. Our missionaries and regional leaders need discernment to decide who will receive a gift, and what would be best for them.

Please pray God will guide our missionaries and regional leaders as they distribute gifts. Pray God will lead them to the most needy, and show them the best gifts to give.

Pray for Transformation in Gift Recipients’ Lives

A practical, down-to earth gift in Jesus’ name is a testimony of God’s goodness and love. It can bring lasting change to someone’s life: to their body and their soul. Amazing transformation can happen! But people need to use the gifts wisely. And, most of all, they need to open their hearts to God’s love.

Please pray that people who receive gifts will experience God’s love through them.

Pray that they will use their gifts to their full potential. Pray that the gifts will empower them to escape poverty. Pray that each person will see how much God loves them.

Pray Gifts Will Last for Many Years to Come

We don’t want these gifts to be temporary blessings, here today and gone tomorrow. That’s why GFA missionaries distribute carefully chosen, quality gifts. We want them to represent God’s love and care, and testify of His faithful, steadfast provision. Animals sometimes need protection from predators or other dangers. Mechanical items, such as sewing machines and bicycles, need to stay in good working order. Blankets and winter clothing can tear or wear out. Please join us in praying these gifts will last an extra long time!

Pray for God’s protection upon these gifts. Pray that they will benefit recipients for many years to come. Pray they will supernaturally last longer than anticipated.


Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

December 2024

Going the Distance

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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty