Pray for Those Who Need Mosquito Nets

With the growth of COVID-19, malaria is something it’s been easy to forget. But it’s a very real threat to poor communities. In 2020, there were an estimated 241 million malaria cases worldwide. This was more than 227 million the year before.1 Poor communities often can’t protect themselves. This makes them vulnerable to getting ill, or even dying.

We are so excited by how God is using us to respond! When our missionaries and pastors see the need, they respond. They hand out mosquito nets, which are one of the best ways to protect people. Mosquito nets are treated with insecticide. They help to keep mosquitos and other biting bugs away. And they are a great protection at night, when families are most at risk.

Join us this month as we pray for mosquito nets to impact people’s lives.

(1) World Health Organization. “Malaria.” 06 April 2022.

Pray for Return of Services

The COVID-19 pandemic made it more difficult to fight malaria. The fight against malaria was disrupted. 2 Things had been getting better over the last 20 years. However, healthcare was disrupted by the pandemic. Over the last 2 years, the number of people dying from malaria has increased sharply. 3 This means that mosquito nets are more important than ever.

Pray that mosquito nets would save many lives this year. Pray that God would bless every effort to protect people from malaria.

(2) “Malaria: Frequently Asked Questions.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed January 27, 2021.

(3) World Health Organization. “Malaria.” 06 April 2022.

Pray for Logistics and Wisdom

Our missionaries are always looking for ways to help people in need. Giving mosquito nets to vulnerable families is a great way to do that. The missionaries work hard to make sure nets are given to the people who need them most. However, there may be lots of families in need. Sometimes there aren’t enough nets to go round. It also takes a lot of planning and communication to organise mosquito net distribution. Field leaders, suppliers and local community leaders all work together to make these distributions happen.

Pray the Lord will give our missionaries and pastors wisdom as they seek to bless families with mosquito nets. Please pray that He will lead and bless their plans.

Pray for Effectiveness

Mosquito nets are a fantastic way to protect a family from diseases carried by mosquitos. The recipients will use the nets night after night, comforted by their protection. Of course, nets can get worn or damaged over time. But, with God’s blessing, we believe they can last extra long!

Pray that the mosquito nets will last for many years, keeping families safe.

Pray for Touched Hearts, Transformed Communities

As our missionaries hand out mosquito nets, they also offer the love of Jesus. They don’t just want to meet people’s physical needs. They also want to demonstrate the reality of a God who truly loves them.

Pray that people will be aware of God’s love through every mosquito net. Pray that people who receive mosquito nets would be transformed by Jesus’ love.

Pray for Opportunities to Bless Families in Need

We are so excited that many families have been blessed with mosquito nets. Of course, though, many more people need them. Malaria is increasing around the world.4 Through the generosity of our faithful partners, our missionaries can give protection to more vulnerable people. The need is great, but God can provide through His people.

Pray the Lord will provide more opportunities to bless families with mosquito nets. Pray that He will provide the resources for many more nets.

(4) World Health Organization. “Malaria.” 06 April 2022.


Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

December 2024

Going the Distance

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Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty