Pray for Uplifting Marginalised Women

GFA National Missionaries work hard to bring healing and hope. They touch thousands of lives with the tangible love of God through women’s literacy programmes, ministry to widows, and women’s fellowship groups. As a result, women who might have gone without help due to their circumstances have been blessed with much-needed support! Our women Missionaries and volunteers help women by providing support for women and widows, and also running women’s literacy programmes across Africa and Asia.

Pray for Good conversations

Women often ask our missionaries to pray for their family, or they ask questions about the God whom they have not heard of before. Missionaries need God’s grace to understand the situation of each person they meet and to minister to many hurting people. Please ask the Lord to enable film teams to relate with and minister to each person they speak with, and ask Him to guide their conversations.


Pray for GFA Missionaries’ well-being

Our GFA missionaries often minister in multiple villages, sometimes travelling for hours by foot every week. These committed servants of God put in long hours investing in lives and communities, often ministering in areas where people haven’t even heard God’s name. They frequently face opposition and other hardship. This can be exhausting, both physically and spiritually, and they are subject to the same diseases other community members fall prey to. They need health and strength for the Lord’s work.

Please pray GFA missionaries will be healthy, both physically and spiritually, to carry out God’s call on their lives. Pray for endurance, that they will not grow weary in doing good (see 2 Thessalonians 3:13). Pray for spiritual renewal and growth.

Pray for more Missionaries

There is much work to be done and many needs to be met, but the labourers are few. More missionaries are needed as we grow. Though our national missionaries have made a great impact over the years, many more people still need to learn of God’s love. A new generation of women missionaries needs to be called and equipped to dedicate their lives to sharing the Good News with people in need.

Please pray God will call many men and women into full-time service and they will heed His call. Ask the Lord to anoint and equip them for His work.

Pray for prepared hearts

GFA missionaries encounter people from various walks of life and in various circumstances who may not be immediately interested in hearing about God’s love. These individuals may women in difficult circumstances, women who have hard family lives, or women who simply need to be told they are loved by God. The need for God’s love is universal, but it can be a process for hearts to recognise that need and God’s love being extended to them. Please pray God’s love will reach open hearts. Pray that as missionaries share this love in word and in deed, God will transform people’s lives.

Pray for Open Hearts

Our missionaries meet all kinds of women, from all kinds of walks of life, with all kinds of stories. Some of them might not be open to hearing about God’s love or they may desperately want someone to pray and encourage them. No matter what their story, everyone needs Jesus’ love. But only God can open their hearts!

Please pray God will open hearts to His love. Pray that God will transform lives as our missionaries share Jesus’ love in their words and actions.


National Missionaries

National Missionaries

November 2024

God Provides Healing and a Home

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National Missionaries

National Missionaries

November 2024

A Daughter Reads Healing Words

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National Missionaries

National Missionaries

National Missionaries

September 2023

A Couples Tragic Trail to Truth

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National Missionaries

National Missionaries